As you already noticed when working with VPLEX is that VPLEX masks the back-end array LUN ID and present to the client with different internal VPLEX UIDS.

The reason for that is because VPLEX technically virtualize the back-end array(s). So with VPLEX you are not attached to a specific array, and VPLEX have the ability to change your underneath storage array/location without affecting client presented LUN(s).

Another issue that you will notice is that VPLEX can take several back-end array LUNs and present them as one device to a server, this is why you will only deal with VPLEX UIDS instead of back-end array LUN ID.


The following procedure will demonstrate how to match the back-end array LUN ID to VPLEX UIDS (assuming that you have used the a full LUN from the back-end array and presented it using VPLEX as a device to the server).

Array LUN# VPLEX VPD ID – WWN Server – WWN
36B9 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxc23ead Disk9 : xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxc23ead



CLI command:

command: ls -t /clusters/cluster-1/exports/storage-views/
note: this command will print the full list of initiators, ports, and virtual volumes

VPlexcli:/> ls -t /clusters/cluster-1/exports/storage-views/demoluster_clu

Name                                      Value
—————————– ———————————————————————————
initiators                               [democluster_A, democluster_B] operational-status               ok
caw-enabled                          true
name                                      democluster_clu
write-same-16-enabled      true
ports               [P00000000123412F1-A0-FC00, P00000000123412F1-A0-FC01, P00000000123412F1-A0-FC02,
.                       P00000000123412F1-A0-FC03, P00000000123412F1-B0-FC00, P00000000123412F1-B0-FC01,
.                       P00000000123412F1-B0-FC02, P00000000123412F1-B0-FC03]

port-name-enabled-status[P00000000123412F1-A0-FC00,true,ok, P00000000123412F1-A0-FC01,true,ok,
P00000000123412F1-A0-FC02,true,ok, P00000000123412F1-A0-FC03,true,ok,
P00000000123412F1-B0-FC00,true,ok, P00000000123412F1-B0-FC01,true,ok,
P00000000123412F1-B0-FC02,true,ok, P00000000123412F1-B0-FC03,true,ok]

controller-tag           –

virtual-volumes[(0,vol_democluster_36C3_45D1,VPD83T3: 60001110000000111111f69795c23d18,113G),

PowerPath Windows Side:


CLI Command:

command: powermt display dev=all
note: we will only print two drives as the list is long

C:\Windows\system32>powermt display dev=all
Pseudo name=harddisk1
VPLEX ID=FNM00123123123
Logical device ID=60001110000000111111F69795C23D18
state=alive; policy=ADaptive; queued-IOs=0
————— Host —————   – Stor – — I/O Path —   — Stats —
### HW Path               I/O Paths   Interf. Mode     State   Q-IOs Errors
5 port5\path0\tgt3\lun0 c5t3d0     06       active   alive     0     0
5 port5\path0\tgt2\lun0 c5t2d0     04       active   alive     0     0
5 port5\path0\tgt1\lun0 c5t1d0     00       active   alive     0     0
5 port5\path0\tgt0\lun0 c5t0d0     02       active   alive     0     0
3 port3\path0\tgt3\lun0 c3t3d0     01       active   alive     0     0
3 port3\path0\tgt2\lun0 c3t2d0     03       active   alive     0     0
3 port3\path0\tgt1\lun0 c3t1d0     05      active   alive     0     0
3 port3\path0\tgt0\lun0 c3t0d0     07       active   alive     0     0

Pseudo name=harddisk9
VPLEX ID=FNM00123123123
Logical device ID=60001110000000111111F69795C23EAD
state=alive; policy=ADaptive; queued-IOs=0
————— Host —————   – Stor – — I/O Path —   — Stats —
### HW Path               I/O Paths   Interf. Mode     State   Q-IOs Errors
5 port5\path0\tgt3\lun5 c5t3d5     06       active   alive     0     0
5 port5\path0\tgt2\lun5 c5t2d5     04       active   alive     0     0
5 port5\path0\tgt1\lun5 c5t1d5     00       active   alive     0     0
5 port5\path0\tgt0\lun5 c5t0d5     02       active   alive     0     0
3 port3\path0\tgt3\lun5 c3t3d5     01       active   alive     0     0
3 port3\path0\tgt2\lun5 c3t2d5     03       active   alive     0     0
3 port3\path0\tgt1\lun5 c3t1d5     05       active   alive     0     0
3 port3\path0\tgt0\lun5 c3t0d5     07       active   alive     0     0