PowerPath Migration Enabler is a server based block level migration tool, used to migrate data between arrays as a transparent migration with no client impact.

There are several ways to migrate data from one VMAX to another:

  1. Using a replication tool like SRDF
  2. Using file based migration tool like emcopy or rsync
  3. Using server based migration tool like PowerPath Migration Enabler (PPME).

PowerPath Migration Enabler is a component of PowerPath. It is a block level migration tool, this is an important point to understand as block level migration do not fix any file system alignments, and it will migrate the data in the LUN exactly as it was on the old LUN.

PPME can migrate data to a same or bigger size LUN but not to a smaller size LUN.

Starting from PowerPath 5.7 SP1 PPME is installed by default with PowerPath and no longer needs a separate license.

In this exercise we will demonstrate how to migrate 2 devices from DMX array to VMAX array

We will be assuming that the server information is as the following:
Server Name: demoserver001

OS: Windows2008 Server

SAN Devices: 2 devices attached from the DMX

  •  1 device – log
  • 1 device – data

We will also assume that the storage fiber zoning is already done to attach both arrays to the server

The steps will be

  • Step 1: Storage pool checking
  • Step 2: TDEV Creation
  • Step 3: Meta’s Creation
  • Step 4: Binding the Meta’s to pools
  • Step 5: Create Storage groups and add Metas to SG
  • Step 6: Create mapping to the storage FA’s
  • Step 7: verify hosts wwn are logged
  • Step 8: Create host alias
  • Step 9: Create initiator groups
  • Step 10: create masking view
  • Step 11: prepare and run PPME migration
  • Step 12: finalize PPME migration
  • Step 13: cleanup stage

Step 1:( storage pool checking)

Check Thin pools to figure out where are we going to add the TDEVs:

command: symcfg -sid VMAX001 list -thin -pool -GB -detail

C:\Documents and Settings\demousr>symcfg -sid VMAX001 list -thin -pool -GB -detailSymmetrix ID: VMAX001

Pool                     Flags      Dev                          Total           Usable            Free           Used         Full     Subs     Shared
Name                  PTESL   Config                     GBs             GBs                 GBs            GBs            (%)      (%)      GBs
—————-  ———- ——————    ———— ————    ————   ————-  ——   ——   ———-
FSR5_1             TFFEI     RAID-5(3+1)       102936.1      102936.1       36615.7      66321.0       64       92        0.0
FSR5_2             TFFEI     RAID-5(3+1)      102936.1      102936.1       36615.7      66321.0       64       92        0.0
FSSATR6_1      TSFBI     RAID-6(6+2)     102936.1      102936.1       36615.7      66321.0       64       92        0.0

Total                                                                  ———— ————    ————   ————-  ——   ——  ———-
GBs                                                                 308808.3     308808.3     109847.1     198963.0     64       92       0.0

(P)ool Type:
S = Snap, R = Rdfa DSE T = Thin
S = SATA, F = Fibre Channel, E = Enterprise Flash Drive, M = Mixed, – = N/A
Dev (E)mulation:
F = FBA, A = AS400, 8 = CKD3380, 9 = CKD3390, – = N/A
E = Enabled, D = Disabled, B = Balancing
Disk (L)ocation:
I = Internal, X = External, M = Mixed, – = N/A

Step 2: (TDEV Creation)

Check the TDEVs creation:

command: symconfigure -sid VMAX001 -cmd “create dev count=11, size=65520, emulation=FBA, config=TDEV;” prepare -v

C:\Documents and Settings\demousr>symconfigure -sid VMAX001 -cmd “create dev count=11, size=65520, emulation=FBA, config=TDEV;” prepare -v

Execute a symconfigure operation for symmetrix ‘VMAX001’ (y/[n]) ? y

A Configuration Change operation is in progress.
Please wait…Establishing a configuration change session……………Established.
Processing symmetrix VMAX001
create dev count=11, size=65520 cyl, emulation=FBA, config=TDEV, mvs_ssid=0;
Performing Access checks………………………………………..Allowed.
Checking Device Reservations………………………………….Allowed.
Validating configuration changes……………………………..Validated.
New symdevs: 4B12:4B1C [TDEVs] Closing configuration change request……………………….Closed.
Terminating the configuration change session…………..Done.The configuration change session has completed successfully.

Create the TDEVs:

command: symconfigure -sid VMAX001 -cmd “create dev count=11, size=65520, emulation=FBA, config=TDEV;” commit -v
Note: in this example we are creating 11 TDEV’s with 60GB TDEV sizesexample:
C:\Documents and Settings\demousr>symconfigure -sid VMAX001 -cmd “create dev count=11, size=65520, emulation=FBA, config=TDEV;” commit -vExecute a symconfigure operation for symmetrix ‘VMAX001’ (y/[n]) ? yA Configuration Change operation is in progress.
Please wait…Establishing a configuration change session……………Established.
Processing symmetrix VMAX001
create dev count=11, size=65520 cyl, emulation=FBA, config=TDEV, mvs_ssid=0;
}Performing Access checks…………………………………………Allowed.
Checking Device Reservations…………………………………..Allowed.
Initiating COMMIT of configuration changes……………..Queued.
COMMIT requesting required resources……………………Obtained.
Step 002 of 018 steps………………………………………………Executing.
Step 004 of 018 steps………………………………………………Executing.
Step 008 of 018 steps………………………………………………Executing.
Step 016 of 019 steps……………………………………………….Executing.
Step 016 of 019 steps……………………………………………….Executing.
Local:  COMMIT……………………………………………………..Done.New symdevs: 4B29:4B33 [TDEVs] Terminating the configuration change session…………..Done.The configuration change session has successfully completed.

Step 3: (Meta’s Creation)

Check the metas creation:

Note: we created TDEV’s numbers from 4B29 to 4B33, next step is to create two metas

  • 4B29 will be used for log with only one TDEV 4B29 and will add them to storage group FSR5_1
  • 4B2A will be used for data with TDEV’s 4B2A, 4B2B, 4B2C, 4B2D, 4B2E, 4B2F, 3B30, 4B31, 4B32, 4B33 and will add them to storage group FSR5_2

command: symconfigure -sid VMAX001 -cmd “form meta from dev 4B2A, config=striped, stripe_size=1920; add dev 4B2B:4B33 to meta 4B2A;” prepare -v

C:\Documents and Settings\demousr\Desktop>symconfigure -sid VMAX001 -cmd “form meta from dev 4B2A, config=striped, stripe_size=1920; add dev 4B2B:4B33 to meta 4B2A;” prepare -v

Execute a symconfigure operation for symmetrix ‘VMAX001’ (y/[n]) ? y

A Configuration Change operation is in progress. Please wait…
Establishing a configuration change session……………Established.
Processing symmetrix VMAX001
form meta from dev 4B2A config=Striped, stripe_size=1920;add dev 4B2B:4B33 to meta 4B2A;

Performing Access checks……………………………………Allowed.
Checking Device Reservations……………………………..Allowed.
Locking devices…………………………………………………..Locked.
Validating configuration changes…………………………Validated.
Closing configuration change request…………………..Closed.
Terminating the configuration change session………Done.

The configuration change session has completed successfully.

Create the metas:

command: symconfigure -sid VMAX001 -cmd “form meta from dev 4B2A, config=striped, stripe_size=1920; add dev 4B2B:4B33 to meta 4B2A;” commit -v

C:\Documents and Settings\demousr\Desktop>symconfigure -sid VMAX001 -cmd “form meta from dev 4B2A, config=striped, stripe_size=1920; add dev 4B2B:4B33 to meta 4B2A;” commit -v

Execute a symconfigure operation for symmetrix ‘VMAX001’ (y/[n]) ? y

A Configuration Change operation is in progress. Please wait…
Establishing a configuration change session……………Established.
Processing symmetrix VMAX001
form meta from dev 4B2A config=Striped, stripe_size=1920;
add dev 4B2B:4B33 to meta 4B2A;
Performing Access checks…………………………………………Allowed.
Checking Device Reservations…………………………………..Allowed.
Locking devices………………………………………………………..Locked.
Initiating COMMIT of configuration changes……………..Queued.
COMMIT requesting required resources…………………….Obtained.
Step 005 of 031 steps………………………………………………..Executing.
Step 009 of 031 steps………………………………………………..Executing.
Step 012 of 031 steps…………………………………………………Executing.
Step 026 of 031 steps………………………………………………..Executing.
Local:  COMMIT………………………………………………………Done.
Terminating the configuration change session…………….Done.

The configuration change session has successfully completed.

Step 4: (Binding the Meta’s to pools)

Bind Metas to pools:

command: symconfigure -sid VMAX001 -cmd “bind tdev 4B29 to pool FSR5_1 preallocate size=ALL;” commit -v -nop
.                   symconfigure -sid VMAX001 -cmd “bind tdev 4B2A to pool FSR5_2 preallocate size=ALL;” commit -v -nopexample:
C:\Documents and Settings\demousr\Desktop>symconfigure -sid VMAX001 -cmd “bind tdev 4B29 to pool FSR5_1 preallocate size=ALL;” commit -v -nopA Configuration Change operation is in progress.
Please wait…Establishing a configuration change session……………Established.
Processing symmetrix VMAX001
bind tdev 4B29 to pool FSR5_1 preallocate size=all cyl ;
}Performing Access checks………………………………………Allowed.
Checking Device Reservations………………………………..Allowed.
Locking devices……………………………………………………..Locked.
Committing configuration changes………………………….Started.
Binding devices……………………………………………………..Done.
Allocating devices…………………………………………………..Started.
Committing configuration changes…………………………..Committed.
Terminating the configuration change session…………..Done.
The configuration change session has successfully completed.C:\Documents and Settings\demousr\Desktop>symconfigure -sid VMAX001 -cmd “bind tdev 4B2A to pool FSR5_2 preallocate size=ALL;” commit -v -nopA Configuration Change operation is in progress.
Please wait…Establishing a configuration change session………………….Established.
Processing symmetrix VMAX001
bind tdev 4B2A to pool FSR5_2 preallocate size=all cyl ;
}Performing Access checks………………………………………..Allowed.
Checking Device Reservations………………………………….Allowed.
Locking devices………………………………………………………Locked.
Committing configuration changes…………………………..Started.
Binding devices……………………………………………………….Done.
Allocating devices……………………………………………………Started.
Committing configuration changes……………………………Committed.
Terminating the configuration change session……………Done.
The configuration change session has successfully completed.

Step 5: (Create Storage groups and add Metas to SG)

symaccess -sid VMAX001 -type storage -name demoserver001_db create
symaccess -sid VMAX001 -type storage -name demoserver001_log create
symaccess -sid VMAX001 -type storage -name demoserver001 create

symaccess -sid VMAX001 -type storage -name demoserver001 add -sg demoserver001_db
symaccess -sid VMAX001 -type storage -name demoserver001 add -sg demoserver001_log

Note: We only add the meta head to the storage groups
symaccess -sid VMAX001 -name demoserver001_log -type storage add devs 4B29
symaccess -sid VMAX001 -name demoserver001_db -type storage add devs 4B2A

to verify
command: symaccess -sid VMAX001 -type storage show demoserver001

C:\Documents and Settings\demousr\Desktop>symaccess -sid VMAX001 -type storage show demoserver001

Symmetrix ID                : VMAX001

Storage Group Name          : demoserver001
Last updated at             : 02:24:48 PM on Thu Nov 13,2014

Number of Storage Groups : 2
Storage Group Names      : demoserver001_db                 (IsChild)
demoserver001_log                (IsChild)

Devices                  : 4B29:4B2A

Masking View Names

Step 6: (Create mapping to the storage FA’s)

list all ports
command: symaccess -sid VMAX001 list -type port

C:\Documents and Settings\demousr>symaccess -sid VMAX001 list -type port

Symmetrix ID          : VMAX001

Port Group Name

list specific ports
command: symaccess -sid VMAX001 show 8f0_9f0 -type port

C:\Documents and Settings\demousr>symaccess -sid VMAX001 show 8f0_9f0 -type port

Symmetrix ID          : VMAX001

Port Group Name       : 8f0_9f0
Last updated at       : 01:59:11 PM on Mon Jun 16,2014

Director Identification

Masking View Names

Verify the mapping on 8f0 and 9f0:
command: symcfg -sid VMAX001 -dir 8F -p 0 -address -available list

C:\Documents and Settings\demousr>symcfg -sid VMAX001 -dir 8F -p 0 -address -available list

Symmetrix ID: VMAX001

Director                                               Device Name          Attr     Address
——————————— —————————– —- ————–
Ident       Symbolic    Port    Sym       Physical               VBUS   TID  LUN
——–  ————–  —–    —–  ——————-     ——-  ——  —–

FA-8F   08F                 0       0ACE    Not Visible                          0   00  000
–                                               0A35     Not Visible             (M)      0   00  001
–                                               0A39     Not Visible             (M)      0   00  002
–                                               0A3D    Not Visible             (M)      0   00  003
–                                               0A81     Not Visible                          0   00  004
–                                                             AVAILABLE                        0   00  005 *
Total                                       ——


Verify that the luns are still not taken by someone else
command: symaccess -sid VMAX001 list -type stor -dev 4B29
.                   symaccess -sid VMAX001 list -type stor -dev 4B2A

C:\Scripts\demousr>symaccess -sid VMAX001 list -type stor -dev 4B29

Symmetrix ID          : VMAX001

Storage Group Name

C:\Scripts\demousr>symaccess -sid VMAX001 list -type stor -dev 4B2A

Symmetrix ID          : VMAX001

Storage Group Name

Create a text.txt file and add the following to it:

map dev 4B29 to dir 8f0:0 target=0, lun=005;
map dev 4B2A to dir 8f0:0 target=0, lun=006;
map dev 4B29 to dir 9f0:0 target=0, lun=005;
map dev 4B2A to dir 9f0:0 target=0, lun=006;

Run the text file:

command: symconfigure -sid VMAX001 -file map.txt preview -v
.                   symconfigure -sid VMAX001 -file map.txt prepare -v
.                   symconfigure -sid VMAX001 -file map.txt commit -v

C:\Scripts\demousr>symconfigure -sid VMAX001 -file map.txt commit -v

Execute a symconfigure operation for symmetrix ‘VMAX001’ (y/[n]) ? y

A Configuration Change operation is in progress. Please wait…
Establishing a configuration change session……………Established.
Processing symmetrix VMAX001
map dev 4B29 to dir 8F:0 lun=005;
map dev 4B2A to dir 8F:0 lun=006;
map dev 4B29 to dir 9F:0 lun=005;
map dev 4B2A to dir 9F:0 lun=006;

Performing Access checks…………………………………..Allowed.
Checking Device Reservations……………………………..Allowed.
Locking devices…………………………………………………..Locked.
Initiating COMMIT of configuration changes……….Queued.
COMMIT requesting required resources………………Obtained.
Step 004 of 028 steps…………………………………………Executing.
Step 006 of 028 steps…………………………………………Executing.
Step 013 of 028 steps………………………………………….Executing.
Local:  COMMIT………………………………………………..Done.
Terminating the configuration change session………Done.

The configuration change session has successfully completed.

Check again after running the command
command: symcfg -sid VMAX001 -dir 8F -p 0 -address -available list

C:\Scripts\demousr>symcfg -sid VMAX001 -dir 8F -p 0 -address -available list

Symmetrix ID: VMAX001

Director                                               Device Name          Attr     Address
——————————— —————————– —- ————–
Ident       Symbolic    Port    Sym       Physical               VBUS   TID  LUN
——–  ————–  —–    —–  ——————-     ——-  ——  —–

FA-8F          08F             0    0ACE    Not Visible                         0   00  000
–                                               0A35    Not Visible             (M)      0   00  001
–                                               0A39    Not Visible             (M)      0   00  002
–                                               0A3D   Not Visible             (M)      0   00  003
–                                               0A81    Not Visible                          0   00  004
–                                               4B29    Not Visible                          0   00  005
–                                               4B2A    Not Visible             (M)      0   00  006
–                                                           AVAILABLE                         0   00  007 *
Total                                         —-

C:\Scripts\demousr>symcfg -sid VMAX001 -dir 9F -p 0 -address -available list

Symmetrix ID: VMAX001

Director                                               Device Name          Attr     Address
——————————— —————————– —- ————–
Ident       Symbolic    Port    Sym       Physical               VBUS   TID  LUN
——–  ————–  —–    —–  ——————-     ——-  ——  —–

FA-9F         09F            0      0ACE    Not Visible                         0   00  000
–                                               0A35    Not Visible             (M)      0   00  001
–                                               0A39    Not Visible             (M)      0   00  002
–                                               0A3D   Not Visible             (M)      0   00  003
–                                               0A81    Not Visible                          0   00  004
–                                               4B29    Not Visible                          0   00  005
–                                               4B2A    Not Visible             (M)      0   00  006
–                                                           AVAILABLE                         0   00  007 *
Total                                         —-

Step 7: verify hosts wwn are logged

command: symaccess -sid VMAX001 list logins -wwn 10000000c988179e
.                   symaccess -sid VMAX001 list logins -wwn 10000000c988179f

C:\Documents and Settings\demousr>symaccess -sid VMAX001 list logins -wwn 10000000c988179e

Symmetrix ID            : VMAX001

Director Identification : FA-8F
Director Port           : 0

User-generated                      Logged On
Identifier                         Type      Node Name      Port Name     FCID      In     Fabric
————————– ——–  —————— ————— ——–   ——  ——
10000000c988179e     Fibre     NULL                 NULL             057026   Yes    Yes

C:\Documents and Settings\demousr>symaccess -sid VMAX001 list logins -wwn 10000000c988179f

Symmetrix ID            : VMAX001

Director Identification : FA-9F
Director Port           : 0

User-generated                      Logged On
Identifier                         Type      Node Name      Port Name     FCID      In     Fabric
————————– ——–  —————— ————— ——–   ——  ——
10000000c988179f      Fibre     NULL                 NULL            067026   Yes    Yes

Step 8: Create host alias

command: symaccess -sid VMAX001 -wwn 10000000c988179e rename -alias demoserver001/A
.                   symaccess -sid VMAX001 -wwn 10000000c988179f rename -alias demoserver001/B

C:\Documents and Settings\demousr>symaccess -sid VMAX001 list logins -dirport 8F:0

Symmetrix ID            : VMAX001

Director Identification : FA-8F
Director Port           : 0

User-generated                      Logged On
Identifier                         Type      Node Name      Port Name     FCID      In     Fabric
————————– ——–  —————— ————— ——–   ——  ——
10000000c988179e     Fibre     demoserver001    A                057026    Yes    Yes

C:\Documents and Settings\demousr>symaccess -sid VMAX001 list logins -dirport 9F:0

Symmetrix ID            : VMAX001

Director Identification : FA-9F
Director Port           : 0

User-generated                      Logged On
Identifier                         Type      Node Name      Port Name     FCID      In     Fabric
————————– ——–  —————— ————— ——–   ——  ——
10000000c988179f      Fibre    demoserver001    B                 067026     Yes    Yes

Step 9: Create initiator groups

Assuming: Fiber Switch 1: 10000000c988179e; Fiber Switch 2: 10000000c988179f

command: symaccess -sid VMAX001 -name demoserver001 -type initiator create -consistent_lun

.                   symaccess -sid VMAX001 -name demoserver001 -type initiator -wwn 10000000c988179e add
.                   symaccess -sid VMAX001 -name demoserver001 -type initiator -wwn 10000000c988179f add

after executing the above commands check if the Initiator groups are created
command: symaccess -sid VMAX001 show demoserver001 -type init

C:\Documents and Settings\demousr>symaccess -sid VMAX001 show demoserver001 -type init

Symmetrix ID          : VMAX001

Initiator Group Name  : demoserver001
Last updated at       : 01:11:08 PM on Wed Nov 19,2014

Host Initiators
WWN  : 10000000c988179e [alias: demoserver001/A] WWN  : 10000000c988179f [alias: demoserver001/B] }

Masking View Names

Parent Initiator Groups

Step 10: create masking view

command: symaccess -sid VMAX001 create view -name demoserver001 -sg demoserver001 -pg 8f0_9f0 -ig demoserver001

Step 11: prepare and run PPME migration

check powerpath version
command: powermt version

C:\>powermt version
EMC powermt for PowerPath (c) Version 5.7 SP 2 (build 447)

setup PPME migration on demoserver001
loging to demoserver001, make sure to run command line as administartor

This is an example table to know which LUN is going where:

  • old: disk 2 to new: disk 4
  • old: disk 3 to new: disk 5

setup PPME:
command: powermig setup -techType hostcopy -src harddisk2 -tgt harddisk4 -throttleValue 5
.                   powermig setup -techType hostcopy -src harddisk3 -tgt harddisk5 -throttleValue 5

C:\>powermig setup -techType hostcopy -src harddisk2 -tgt harddisk4 -throttleValue 5
Setup migration? [yes]/no: y
Migration Handle = 1

C:\>powermig setup -techType hostcopy -src harddisk3 -tgt harddisk5 -throttleValue 5
Setup migration? [yes]/no: y
Migration Handle = 2

start PPME:
command: powermig sync -all or powermig sync -handle 1

C:\>powermig sync -all

Start sync for handle 1 ? [yes]/no: y
Start sync for handle 2 ? [yes]/no: y

Hnd  Source     Target          Tech  State
===  =========  ==========  ========  ===========
1  harddisk2  harddisk4   HostCopy  syncing(0%)
2  harddisk3  harddisk5   HostCopy  syncing(0%)

check PPME:
command: powermig query -all

C:\>powermig query -all

Handle: 1
Source: harddisk2 (599.85 GB)
Target: harddisk4 (599.85 GB, thin)
Technology: HostCopy
Migration state: syncing
Throttle Value: 5
Percent InSync: 0% (108.00 MB copied)
Sync Start Time: Fri Nov 21 09:55:19 2014
Total Sync Time: 42 seconds
Recent Throughput: 3.02 MB/s (99.50 MB in 33 seconds)
Estimated Time To Completion (using recent throughput): 56h34m45s
Estimated Completion Time: Sun Nov 23 18:30:46 2014

Handle: 2
Source: harddisk3 (59.99 GB)
Target: harddisk5 (59.99 GB, thin)
Technology: HostCopy
Migration state: syncing
Throttle Value: 5
Percent InSync: 0% (96.75 MB copied)
Sync Start Time: Fri Nov 21 09:55:25 2014
Total Sync Time: 36 seconds
Recent Throughput: 2.69 MB/s (96.75 MB in 36 seconds)
Estimated Time To Completion (using recent throughput): 6h20m19s
Estimated Completion Time: Fri Nov 21 16:16:20 2014

command: powermig info -all

C:\>powermig info -all
Hnd  Source     Target          Tech  State
===  =========  ==========  ========  =======
1  harddisk2  harddisk4   HostCopy  syncing
2  harddisk3  harddisk5   HostCopy  syncing

Step 12: finalize PPME migration

when PPME sync is completed switch the source handles with target handles
command: powermig info -all

C:\Windows\system32>powermig info -all
Hnd  Source     Target          Tech  State
===  =========  ==========  ========  ==============
1  harddisk2  harddisk4   HostCopy  sourceSelected
2  harddisk3  harddisk5   HostCopy  sourceSelected

command: powermig selectTarget -all or powermig selectTarget -handle 1

C:\Windows\system32>powermig selectTarget -all
Transition to targetSelected state for handle 1 ? [yes]/no: y

Hnd  Source     Target          Tech  State
===  =========  ==========  ========  ==============
1  harddisk2  harddisk4   HostCopy  targetSelected
2  harddisk3  harddisk5   HostCopy  targetSelected

commit handles
command: powermig commit -handle all or powermig commit -handle 1

C:\Windows\system32>powermig commit -handle 1

Commit migration for handle 1 ? [yes]/no: y

C:\Windows\system32>powermig commit -handle 2

Commit migration for handle 2 ? [yes]/no: y

command: powermig info -all

C:\Windows\system32>powermig info -all
Hnd  Source     Target          Tech  State
===  =========  ==========  ========  =========
1  harddisk2  harddisk4   HostCopy  committed
2  harddisk3  harddisk5   HostCopy  committed

Step 13: cleanup stage

delete PPME handles
command: powermig cleanup -handle all or powermig cleanup -handle 1

Cleanup migration for handle 1 ? [yes]/no: y

Unzone the server from the old array

login to the host and delete all the dead paths from the old arrays
command: powermt check

Warning: symm device path xxxxxxx is currently dead.
Do you want to remove it (y/n/a/q)? y

check the masking before deleting it
command: symmaskdb -sid DMX001 -wwn 10000000c988179e list devs
symmaskdb -sid DMX001 -wwn 10000000c988179f list devs

C:\Documents and Settings\demousr>symmaskdb -sid DMX001 -wwn 10000000c988179e list devs

Symmetrix ID : DMX001

Originator Port wwn : 10000000c988179e
User-generated Name : 10000000c988179e/10000000c988179e

Sym Dev LUN
Name Dir:P Physical Device Name VBUS TID SYMM HOST Attr Cap(MB)
—— —– ———————– —- — —- —- —- ——-
3E5A 3C:0 Not Visible 0 0 33 N/A 61425
3E5B 3C:0 Not Visible 0 0 e8 N/A (M) 614250

C:\Documents and Settings\demousr>symmaskdb -sid DMX001 -wwn 10000000c988179f list devs

Symmetrix ID : DMX001

Originator Port wwn : 10000000c988179f
User-generated Name : 10000000c988179f/10000000c988179f

Sym Dev LUN
Name Dir:P Physical Device Name VBUS TID SYMM HOST Attr Cap(MB)
—— —– ———————– —- — —- —- —- ——-
3E5A 14C:0 Not Visible 0 0 33 N/A 61425
3E5B 14C:0 Not Visible 0 0 e8 N/A (M) 614250

Unmask the devices from wwns on DMX001 array
command: symmask -sid DMX001 -wwn 10000000c988179e -dir 3c -p 0 remove devs <Old Devs that needs to be deleted example: 3E5A, 3E5B>

C:\Documents and Settings\demousr>symmask -sid DMX001 -wwn 10000000c988179e -dir 3c -p 0 remove devs 3E5A,5E5B
C:\Documents and Settings\demousr>symmask -sid DMX001 -wwn 10000000c988179f -dir 14c -p 0 remove devs 3E5A,5E5B

check the masking after deleting it and it should be an empty list
command: symmaskdb -sid DMX001 -wwn 10000000c988179e list devs

C:\Documents and Settings\demousr>symmaskdb -sid DMX001 -wwn 10000000c988179e list devs

Symmetrix ID        : DMX001

Originator Port wwn : 10000000c988179e
User-generated Name : 10000000c988179e/10000000c988179e

No Devices were found for that WWN

C:\Documents and Settings\demousr>symmaskdb -sid DMX001 -wwn 10000000c988179f list devs

Symmetrix ID        : DMX001

Originator Port wwn : 10000000c988179f
User-generated Name : 10000000c988179f/10000000c988179f

No Devices were found for that WWN

delete login history of WWNs from FA ports:
command: symmask -sid DMX001 delete -login -wwn 10000000c988179f
symmask -sid DMX001 delete -login -wwn 10000000c988179e

C:\Documents and Settings\demousr>symmask -sid DMX001 delete -login -wwn 10000000c988179f

C:\Documents and Settings\demousr>symmask -sid DMX001 delete -login -wwn 10000000c988179e

check to see if the login deletion was successful
command: symmask -sid DMX001 list logins -dir 14c -p 0
symmask -sid DMX001 list logins -dir 3c -p 0

C:\Documents and Settings\demousr>symmask -sid DMX001 list logins -dir 14c -p 0

Symmetrix ID            : DMX001

Director Identification : FA-14C
Director Port           : 0

User-generated                      Logged On
Identifier           Type    Node Name                             Port Name   FCID   In     Fabric
—————-   ——   ——————————— ————- ————- ———-

C:\Documents and Settings\demousr>symmask -sid DMX001 list logins -dir 3c -p 0

Symmetrix ID            : DMX001

Director Identification : FA-3C
Director Port           : 0

User-generated                      Logged On
Identifier           Type    Node Name                             Port Name   FCID   In     Fabric
—————-   ——   ——————————— ————- ————- ———-